Call me old fashioned, but I still like to receive a wedding invitation by post! To be able to display it on my fireplace is just the start of the excitement to attend this special event. However, more and more couples are choosing to send their wedding invitations electronically, but is it really easier, reliable and cost effective?
Firstly, let’s recap on why wedding invitations are so important. As I often say, these invitations are the first impression of your wedding day. It sets the scene of your special day and provides your guests with all the information necessary to ensure the day runs smoothly. A quality invitation will end up as sentimental keepsakes to show your children and grand-children in years to come. Those that you choose to invite to your wedding will feel honoured to be part of your special day. Surely, the invitation should reflect this.
Many believe that email invitations will save time and money, but that isn’t always the case. How many emails do you receive in a day, in a week even? There are billions of emails sent every day and a large percentage of them aren’t even opened! Quite often emails end up in the spam folder and as a comment on my Instagram feed stated “I lose emails!”. You won’t know if those invites have been seen, read and waiting for a reply or for others who aren’t as computer literate (the older generation for example) not even opened!
When asked on social media if people think it’s ok to send an email invitation, the majority were in favour of an actual invitation. One of the comments stated “Always a lovely invitation in the post, no question. It’s something to get excited about and a lovely surprise. I always like to put my invites up so that I can be reminded that there’s something lovely to look forward to”. Another commented, “I much prefer an actual invite in the post” and finally “I love receiving an invitation through the post, makes it more personal”. Whilst there was a comment that said that she thinks it’s ok to receive a beautifully presented email, this doesn’t provide us with a keepsake.
As briefly touched upon earlier, there is less chance of losing an actual invitation as it’s likely to be on display as a visual reminder. There will be inevitable be some who will need a reminder to send a RSVP following the wedding invitations being sent, but these are in the minority. With emails, there are likely to be more non-responders, resulting in follow-up emails and calls/messages. This is going to be additional time spent chasing up guests and as the saying goes, time is money! If you choose to send out email invitations, have you considered your older guests who may not have an email account? How are you going to invite them? This may result in two different formats of invitations being sent resulting in more work.
You can’t deny that creating wedding invitations can be timely and there is a cost to it. However, it is created to reflect your style, colour scheme and theme of your wedding day, adding that personal touch. A wedding invitation is something to treasure, to celebrate this exciting occasion with your own perfect, uniquely personal invitation. Some things are just meant to be done traditionally!!
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